Nov 30 2022《agape》ELL a colonna 榮獲 Archiproducts winner

ELL A COLONNA Wins the Archiproducts Design Awards 2022

設計師Benedini Associati 為 Agape 設計的全新獨立式洗臉盆 – Ell a colonna 憑藉對洗臉盆純粹本質的創新詮釋,榮獲2022年 Archiproducts 衛浴類產品設計獎。

“Ell”系列中的洗臉盆是標誌性且輕巧的作品,帶有防波堤格柵的平坦表面也是盆,兩者合而成為一個單一元素,由整體表面與防波堤格柵組成,取代了一般市面上常見的盆,並強調其作為洗臉盆和支撐面的雙重用途。這件作品有多種飾面:頂部是白色 Carrara、灰色 Carnic、黑色 Marquina 或綠色Alpi 大理石,格柵是白色或深色可麗耐®,柱子是白色或深色粉末塗層鋼可作選擇。


We are pleased to announce that Ell a colonna, the new freestanding washbasin designed by Benedini Associati for Agape, has won the Archiproducts Design Award 2022 in the Bathroom category, thanks to its innovative interpretation of the pure essence of the washbasin.


The washbasin in the “Ell” series is an iconic but lightweight piece. The flat surface with its breakwater-grill is also the basin, and the two become a single element. Today, in a simultaneously creative and rigorous sequence, the investigation arrives at the pure essence of the washbasin. Two simple architectural elements that radicalize functions. The entire surface, completely integrated with a breakwater-grill, eliminates the usual basin and emphasizes its dual use as a washbasin and support surface. The piece comes in a wide range of finishes: the top is in white Carrara, grey Carnic, black Marquina or green Alpi marble, the grille is in white or deep caviar Corian®, and the column is in white or dark powder-coated steel.

#ELL  #Archiproductsdesignawards #ADA2022

Nov 30 2022《agape》ELL a colonna 榮獲 Archiproducts winner

ELL A COLONNA Wins the Archiproducts Design Awards 2022

設計師Benedini Associati 為 Agape 設計的全新獨立式洗臉盆 – Ell a colonna 憑藉對洗臉盆純粹本質的創新詮釋,榮獲2022年 Archiproducts 衛浴類產品設計獎。

“Ell”系列中的洗臉盆是標誌性且輕巧的作品,帶有防波堤格柵的平坦表面也是盆,兩者合而成為一個單一元素,由整體表面與防波堤格柵組成,取代了一般市面上常見的盆,並強調其作為洗臉盆和支撐面的雙重用途。這件作品有多種飾面:頂部是白色 Carrara、灰色 Carnic、黑色 Marquina 或綠色Alpi 大理石,格柵是白色或深色可麗耐®,柱子是白色或深色粉末塗層鋼可作選擇。


We are pleased to announce that Ell a colonna, the new freestanding washbasin designed by Benedini Associati for Agape, has won the Archiproducts Design Award 2022 in the Bathroom category, thanks to its innovative interpretation of the pure essence of the washbasin.


The washbasin in the “Ell” series is an iconic but lightweight piece. The flat surface with its breakwater-grill is also the basin, and the two become a single element. Today, in a simultaneously creative and rigorous sequence, the investigation arrives at the pure essence of the washbasin. Two simple architectural elements that radicalize functions. The entire surface, completely integrated with a breakwater-grill, eliminates the usual basin and emphasizes its dual use as a washbasin and support surface. The piece comes in a wide range of finishes: the top is in white Carrara, grey Carnic, black Marquina or green Alpi marble, the grille is in white or deep caviar Corian®, and the column is in white or dark powder-coated steel.

#ELL  #Archiproductsdesignawards #ADA2022

Nov 30 2022《cea》ABACO 榮獲 Archiproducts winner

ABACO Wins the Archiproducts Design Awards 2022

義大利品牌cea,由Natalino Malasorti 設計的新系列ABACO,將衛生功能結合工程技術隱藏在一個系統傢俱內,此產品贏得了2022年第七屆Archiproducts 設計獎,並獲得了可持續性特別獎。

「我們為這一項設計感到自豪」藝術總監兼設計師Natalino Malasorti,說到與現有坐便器設計相比,Abaco更進了一步,將管道、電器部件、沖洗和排水裝置集成在一個系統中絕對是一種新奇事物,對許多建築師和室內設計師來說具有吸引力,許多人稱之為“每個建築師抽屜裡的夢想”雖然它的美學看起來很簡單,但開發其功能卻非常複雜。

ABACO - the new modular system designed by Natalino Malasorti, which hides sanitary functions and engineering technology within a single volume - wins the seventh edition of the Archiproducts Design Awards 2022 and is awarded the Special Mention for Sustainability.

«We are proud of this recognition - says Natalino Malasorti - Artistic Director and Designer. I consider Abaco a step further compared to existing toilet-bidet designs: a product that combines the engineering part with the functional part. Nobody has ever pushed himself to this extent. Integrating the plumbing and electrical part with the flush and drain within a single system is an absolute novelty and an attraction for many architects and interior designers. Many call it 'the dream in every architect's drawer'. While its aesthetics may seem simple, developing its functioning was very complicated. Almost ten years have passed since I started working on this project: it has grown piece by piece together with the technology at my disposal. Today the product is fully functional, with a result above my expectations.»

Introduced for the first time in the 2021 edition, the Special Mention for Sustainability is an acknowledgement aimed at celebrating products that have distinguished themselves in terms of the use of recyclable and biodegradable materials, production techniques that reduce emissions hence with a minimum environmental impact throughout the entire life cycle of the product, from production to use by the end user.


ABACO is entirely made of stainless steel, a high-performance material, hygienic, antibacterial, totally recyclable, and ideal in a bathroom environment. Its durability over time is the essence of quality and ecology. ABACO was examined and evaluated by a specifically selected jury of eco-design and sustainability experts from the world of design and architecture. 

#Jury impressed by high design quality 

Mar 31 2022《DURAVIT》White Tulip、D-Neo獲獎

- 2022 Red Dot Award for Product Design -

White Tulip 與 D-Neo系列榮獲2022 Red Dot Award for Product Design,再次證明Duravit團隊優秀的設計能力造就傑出的作品。 2021年3月Duravit發表由比利時設計師-Bertrand Lejoly所創作全新的完整衛浴系列-D-Neo。D-Neo以其簡潔俐落的線條與幾何造型脫穎而出,此系列亦獲得德國設計大獎,而平實的價格更是獲得眾多渴望設計但具有成本考量的族群所青睞。 而D-Neo系列中的面盆龍頭,筆直而狹窄的手柄,同樣也呼應了精美的線條與幾何圖形設計。使用FreshStart 節能閥芯技術,由中心開始的冷水流動,直到有意識地向左方轉動才啟動熱水,可大幅度減少因誤開熱水而造成的能源浪費,為地球資源多盡一份心力。

由法國設計師Philippe Starck首次設計完整衛浴系列-White Tulip,不論是浴缸、面盆、浴室家具到龍頭,處處展現了鬱金香綻放的有機線條。 White Tulip系列中極為搶眼的品項之一即是一體式全瓷落地面盆,其優美的線條成為衛浴空間中最具吸引力的主角,而此全瓷落地式面盆更是充分展現Duravit對於瓷器的技術能力與品質要求。 如同花冠般的把手,將White Tulip的設計元素於龍頭上發揮的淋漓盡致,160條精細打磨的線條,除了讓造型更具鮮活立體感,同時也增加抓附力,以期當雙手有水分時,仍能輕易及舒適地轉動把手。

#White Tulip
#Jury impressed by high design quality
#Series and faucets win awards

more from DURAVIT.
